If you know me in person, you know I hate deadlines. Or rather, I love them. I love knowing about them long in advance so that I can organise my time appropriately. I love completing a project well ahead of the deadline, just in case my computer should explode, or I should get hit by a meteor, or anything else that's appallingly unlikely but still within the realm of the possible.
So you will know that I have been positively writhing with anxiety over the deadline for graduation. You will note that I moved on quickly from relief at having passed my viva to anxiety over getting the revisions done and approved in time. Because graduation only happens once per year, in April, and in order to get into that ceremony you have to have everything topped and tailed by mid-February (that is, tomorrow).
I know, I know, it's only a ceremony, and it's not like I'm not a doctor-type until some guy in a velvet gown hands me a rolled-up piece of paper. But a year is a long time to wait. And I loooooves me some ceremony! That floppy hat has been my number one motivation all along!
So after some administrative hurdles that stretched out my timing as long as they possibly could, combined with some superhuman efforts on the parts of several people to make up for that stretched time, I have officially topped and tailed this PhD and received confirmation from the Admin Person In Charge that I have, indeed, COMPLETED MY PHD and MET THE DEADLINE FOR GRADUATION!
With one effing day to spare!
My heart rate and cortisol levels may never recover... but neither will my OH MY FREAKIN' WOWZA JOY LEVELS!