Wednesday, 28 January 2015

and the result is...

Pass with minor revisions! Really teensie weensie little revisions!


I should do something all multimedia and performative and live and fabulous to convey my feelings, but I have those revisions to do, and I slept like crud last night. (My poor funding body has been sick and spent the night coughing up a lung, and I was so excited about yesterday I couldn't get back to sleep after he'd woken me up.) So activate your imaginations and picture me dancing across the room like a maniac after my esteemed examiners had left the building. Now picture that I would still be doing that if I could prop my eyelids open.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

mock viva

Well, I survived my mock viva. I feel pretty confident about the thesis itself, and god knows I can talk for England, and the US as well, and probably a good chunk of the rest of the northern hemisphere.

But the question is this. Can I, at a given point and in reference to a particular topic, remember, out of the thousands of ideas flitting around inside my head, which one is:
A) the most relevant,
B) the safest - in terms of not opening doors for my examiners to wander through uninvited,
C) the one I can articulate most cleanly,
and most importantly,
D) the one I actually wrote about in the actual flippin' thesis I'm being examined on


When I can manage to pluck the right idea out of the thousands, I'm on a roll, no problem. But sometimes I just... start... talking... and some ideas come out... and I can tell they're not the zinger I was hoping for, so I just... keep... talking...

And this is a VERY BAD THING. I mean, these people have families and lives and dinners to get home to. In fact, one of them will most likely be missing dinner at home that night just to get his butt down to Guildford to examine me. I do not want to keep him from his rest because I'm too busy chasing down every stray tangent that happens to flit through my head.

So, my dear examiners, if you happen to be reading this, never fear. I am on the case. I am preparing to be pithy, I am exercising my excision, I am breathing in brevity. I will be as laconic as a it is possible to be while actually communicating complete thoughts.

Unless you ask me something really interesting...

Saturday, 3 January 2015

another project!

Merry new year, happy solstice, ho ho ho and all that. Belatedly.

Also belatedly, I'll be spending six months of 2015 working on another cool project! 'Storytelling for development', a CCNetwork+ project using digital storytelling to engage communities with redevelopment projects in their area and vice versa. And lo, there shall be live performance of said digital stories! And there shall be much rejoicing! Or at least some interesting data. Fingers crossed.