Tuesday 2 August 2011

exercise in intermediality

Anyhow, the best current reflection of the state of my mind and the state of my project - precious little difference between the two at this point - comes from my afternoon tweets. Here they are, in reverse chron, of course:

Was right the 1st time! Freaky genius! Somebody get me a patent application (and some psychiatric assistance)
4 hours ago

Yep. Gone. Not such a freaky genius idea after all. But maybe...
5 hours ago

Doing the I Am A Freaky Genius dance. Humour me, it never lasts long
5 hours ago

I would describe the freaky genius idea, but then I'd have to kill you. What I *can* tell you, Meestair Bond, is that it's an application that originated in an attempt to do reverse augmented reality. Thankfully, that's not exactly where it ended up!


Connie said...

Pfiew, very exciting!!! I might just have to take the risk of having to be killed! :D

marion said...

Hi Jocelyn! I received the address of your blog from Connie and I like reading it a lot. Keep the spirit high, I would say, and if you ever would like to visit the “Peyer plattelandj” again ; ), feel free to drop in anytime! Best, Marion (Golsteijn).

marion said...

Hi Jocelyn! I received the address of your blog from Connie and I like reading it a lot. Keep the spirit high, I would say, and if you ever would like to visit the “Peyer plattelandj” again ; ), feel free to drop in anytime! Best, Marion (Golsteijn).

marion said...

Jeej ; x, I feel very stuped now.. posting my comment twice.. sorry...

marion said...

Feel even more stupid making a typo..sorry! Marion (the stupid one...)

Jocelyn Spence said...

not as bad as the blog author who wanders off on holiday, and then to a conference, and doesn't even look at her comments for a month!!! you are too kind - so kind that we might take you up on your offer! - and of course you always have a place to stay here in England!